Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catalyst - Day 1

Back at the beginning of October, I went with my good friend, Christy, to the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta.  Neither one of us had ever been before.  We really had no idea what to expect, but we felt the Lord gently whispering to our hearts to go.  I am so glad we listened!  What an incredible experience!  I mentioned in a previous post that Christy was able to get in touch with one of the event coordinators for the conference.  He informed us that Catalyst is designed for people who are involved in any means of ministry or leadership in the church, but also for anyone who desires a deeper relationship with the Lord. 

It was a tremendous gift to spend three days hearing from some of the most well respected pastors, business leaders, authors, activists and normal, everyday people just like you and me who are choosing to make a difference in the world around them.  There were people from all 50 states and from 17 countries at Catalyst.  We personally met people from Venezuela, Costa Rica, Canada, Ethiopia and the Philippines.  I felt so blessed to only have a short four hour drive to be a part of something that people were willing to come across the world for. 

We traveled down to Atlanta a day early for the Catalyst Labs.  Labs offer a smaller environment designed to be more interactive and challenge your thinking.  We had six sessions throughout the day, two sessions where everyone attends, and then four sessions where you choose from a list of topics and speakers.  I was a little nervous about Labs at first….the word “interactive” scares me as I am always terrified that someone is going to call on me in front of hundreds of people and I am not going to know the answer or freeze up.  I had no reason to worry.  Labs actually ended up being one of my favorite (although choosing a favorite part would be nearly impossible) parts of Catalyst and I cannot imagine not having been a part of it.  We heard from people like David Kinnaman, author of “UnChristian” and “You Lost Me”; David Platt, pastor and author of “Radical”; Lysa TerKeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, author of “Made to Crave”, and quite possibly Christy’s favorite person on the planet (seriously…we tracked her down to get a picture and have her sign Christy’s book and I think Christy is still smiling from ear to ear).  We heard from so many more, including my favorite, Joel Houston (pictured below) from Hillsong United, pastor, worship leader and founder of I-Heart. 

These amazing men and women shared personal stories, Biblical wisdom, and encouraged us to be engaged in and influence the world around us for the Kingdom, be authentic, be true servant leaders and be obedient to what God has called us to. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of Catalyst.  The Catalyst team does a phenomenal job of putting together this conference every year.  They do everything with excellence.  I loved the wide variety of speakers and topics, the talented musicians who honor the Lord through their music, the heart for giving, having a safe place to wrestle with issues and gain perspective, being encouraged and challenged in my walk with Jesus, and the overall fun environment.  Even though we were running on about three hours of sleep a night, I honestly loved every single minute and I was a little sad when it was all over.  I think it’s safe to say I’m already planning for next year.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oh! Here we go again...

Oh goodness!  I promise I meant to update my blog much more regularly than I have been. 

After a few really hectic weeks at work, hardly seeing my home and husband, visiting with family in from out of town, many family birthdays, a week of not feeling well and a night spent in the emergency room, it has all gotten away from me yet again. 

I promise I will be back soon.  I really do want to post about the Catalyst conference and a few more things. 

I hope you are all doing well.  I am getting excited....this is my favorite time of year.  Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas is not far it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just What I Needed

Well, it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog post.  I had intentions to try to post somewhat regularly, and I have been very excited to post about a conference that I had the blessing of attending with my precious friend, Christy.  It has now been a week since the conference began, and still no blog post.  I loved this conference and came away inspired, blessed, changed and excited to share all about it.  To be honest, I feel like there is so much that the Lord is doing in my heart, that I don't even know where to begin.  One guy at the conference tweeted that it was equivalent to drinking from a fire hose.  So, this may be the beginning of a short series of posts....maybe not even so much for anyone else, but to remind me of what God has been saying and doing in my heart.  In the Old Testament, people would build an altar to remind themselves of the goodness of the Lord.  In a way, this is my way to look back and remember the goodness of my God in my life over the past week. 

For a while now I have had such a desperation for more of God.  I think that in an earlier post, I mentioned that I was specifically praying for vision and passion.  I am so tired of complacency.  I don't want to waste a moment that God has given me.  But, where do I begin?  I want to change the world, but there are so many needs to be met and so many people hurting and desperate for Jesus. 

In the middle of my wrestling with all of this, Christy contacted me to ask if I would go to a conference with her.  She didn't know much about it, except that she felt the Lord leading her to attend.  Now anyone who has the joy of knowing Christy knows that she is a go-getter.  I so wish I could be more like her.  She is warm, funny and kind and has never met a stranger.  So, I wasn't too surprised when she called me back to say that she had somehow gotten in touch with one of the event coordinators to ask if this was a conference we should attend.  I immediately felt the Lord tugging on my heart to go.  Now, if you are anything like me, you are thinking "conferences are always a bunch of get all excited and pumped up only to come home and forget it all or go back to your old ways a few short days later."  Somehow, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of.  We honestly had no idea what to expect or why we were going, but we knew we had to go.  Finances were a concern, but the Lord immediately paved the way and even used some dear friends to bless us with a place to stay while in town.  Our excitement was growing! 

Fast forward to a few days before the conference....chaos began to errupt.  I had a major computer problem at work that had to be resolved prior to me leaving and I had absolutely no idea what to do.  Christy's family cat escaped from home and the family was devastated.  Finances got really tight, we both began to not feel get the picture.  Christy was reminded of a conversation she had with the event coordinator.  He told her to be prepared, that the Enemy always attacks right before because the last things he wants is for us to show up, for our hearts to be changed and for us to leave resolved to make a difference for the Kingdom.  Well, that was exactly what we needed to hear....we determinded that we were pressing through and showing up if it took everything we had, and boy am I glad that we did. 

So, early last week, we made our way to Atlanta for Catalyst 2011.  I will share more specifics later, but we had the privilege of hearing from some very influential pastors, business leaders, authors, and normal people just like you and me who are changing the world around them.  We worshipped, took notes furiously, laughed along with the two comediennes who opened each segment, enjoyed various concerts, met incredible people from all over the world, cherished the time we had together as friends and stood in awe of what God was doing in and around us. 

Words are inadequate to share the joy I have.  The Lord knew that I needed some encouragement, and He saturated me in it.  My heart is literally exploding with gratitude and love for Him. 


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Overwhelmed and Under Pressure

Do you ever have days (or years) where you feel like this?  Sometimes it can be hard to even pull yourself out of bed in the mornings because you dread what lies ahead, or you are so overwhelmed that it is exhausting to think about facing another day.  Life is full of challenges and obstacles and we can learn to be more than overcomers, or we can throw a pity party for ourselves and whine about how no one could possibly understand how much we have on our plates.  I know that there are people who are legitimately facing serious circumstances, but probably the majority of us find ourselves to be easily overwhelmed from juggling work, family, commitments, finances, etc.  I am learning that many times I am the one who piles my plate to full.  Of course there are responsibilities that God has entrusted me with, but I can have a very hard time saying "no" to people and things that are not a part of those responsibilities.  When I am not faithful to consult the Lord about what things I should and should not take on, it becomes very easy to get overwhelmed.  I become more concerned about what someone might think of me if I say no than what the Lord has given me to do.  When I pile my plate so full of extra things, I begin to become less and less effective with the responsibilities He has given to me. 

I wonder why we would rather spend our lives worrying and stressed out instead of allowing God to carry those burdens for us?  After all, Jesus asks us in Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" and He goes on to command us in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."  I Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."  Jesus tells us over and over that He wants us to give those burdens, stresses, worries, etc. to Him.  He cared so much that He gave His life so that you would not have to bear that burden any longer. 

I am in the middle of reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.  This book is amazing and I would highly recommend it.  He begins to deal with stress and worry and how that affects us as Christians. 

"When I am consumed by my problems - stressed out about my life, my family, and my job - I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice.  In other words, that I have a "right" to disobey God because of the magnitude of my responsibilities. 

Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives. 

Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, or our tight grip of control.

Basically, these two behaviors communicate that it's okay to sin and not trust God because the stuff in my life is somehow exceptional.  Both worry and stress reek of arrogance.  They declare our tendency to forget that we've been forgiven, that our lives here are brief, that we are headed to a place where we won't be lonely, afraid, or hurt ever again, and that in the context of God's strength, our problems are small, indeed."

Arrogance?  I was really taken aback when I read that word.  I have honestly never associated worry and stress with arrogance.  In my oh so humble opinion, I would not consider myself to be an arrogant person.  However, according to this description, I have been very arrogant.  Ouch!  I never want to forget what Jesus has done for me, or communicate that my issues are more important than trusting and obeying God.  But, that is exactly what I do when I allow myself to be consumed with worry and stress. 

The good news is that we don't have to be overwhelmed and consumed by the trials of life.  In John 16:33, Jesus tells us "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  Jesus longs to be everything we is all in Him.  He wants to carry your sadness, your burdens, your heartaches, your day to day struggles and your fears so that you will be free to live your life and lead others to Him. 

Go ahead, try Him.  He promises He will NEVER fail you, so what do you have to lose?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Playing it Safe?

"My whole intent in living here is to make God smile." ~ Gianna Jessen

How do you live your life?  Are you a risk taker?  Do you like to play it safe?  Do you have a five year plan or lofty ambitions?  Do you live for something bigger than yourself, or are you simply trying to just make it through the day and existing? 

These are questions I have been asking myself over and over again lately.  I know the Lord has been speaking to me....I can't get away from it.  I have been struggling for a while now with understanding my purpose.  A dear friend encouraged me to get alone with God regularly and ask Him to give me vision for my life.  I am so grateful for that advice.  My heart's desire is to live my life to bring glory to God.  That is the whole reason we were put on this earth to begin glorify God.  I want to do that and do it well.  I no longer want to be content with playing it safe.  I want to give Him everything I have because He deserves nothing less. 

Sometimes though, if I am honest, that can be hard.  We are at war with our flesh, and my flesh wants to be comfortable.  Comfort can be dangerous because comfort makes me want to just stay exactly where I am, and it puts me and my desires first.  In Matthew 6:24, Jesus tells us that "No one can serve two masters."  We have to decide if we would rather be comfortable, or if we would rather be a disciple of Christ. 

Check out this video of Francis Chan talking about playing it safe.  It sure got my attention.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Kid on the Blog

Welcome to A Reserved Heart!  I am not a very computer savvy person, but I have learned so much from so many of the amazing blogs that I follow and I am excited to now have my own. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I love the Lord and I love worship.  My blog title comes from two little words that really spoke to me in a song.  In the world we live in, people give their hearts away everyday, without a second thought, to people and to things that have no lasting value.  Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  It is my desire that my heart be reserved for God and God alone.  I pray that this blog will be an expression of who I am, but that it will also be a way to encourage and be encouraged. 

I want to dedicate my very first blog to one of my dearest friends in the world....Anna!  For over a year she has been bugging me about starting a blog, and I procrastinated, worried and made excuses for why I shouldn't.  However, great friends are relentless, so when she came into town for a visit last weekend, she decided that we would create my blog together.  She is truly inspiring and I feel extremely blessed to call her my friend. 

 Anna and I have been friends from the beginning.  We were born two weeks apart and have been close ever since (we are blessed to have a great group of friends who grew up together, went to church and school together and still share life with each other).  We have laughed together during the good times, and held on to and interceded for one another during the hard times.  Friends like this rejoice with you when you are on the mountain top, and they count it a privilege to walk with you through the valleys.  They know when to listen and when to speak.  They speak the truth into your life, even when it is hard to hear.  

 Anna, thank you for your friendship and love.  I am grateful for your encouragement and I pray that some how, some way this blog will bless you.  You are a woman of integrity and all who have the honor of knowing you are blessed by your life.  I know that God is good and that His plans for your life are great. 

 Proverbs 17:17  "A friend loves at all times"